Du prát / Going to do laundry
7m, 2019
Music video for a single. Inspired by the laundry filled world of girls.

Terminál v plamenech / Terminal on Fire
4m 43s, 2018
Music video for a single. Combination of real life shots and miniatures.
Created in a team: Jiří Konvalinka, Jan Vejražka, Josef Lepša, Marek Volf

Andělé přileťte pro mě
/ Angels come for me
/ Angels come for me
4m 52s, 2016
3D animated music video.
Song from album PLSCVTGTUAUVGTU — alternativní tresty & opatření
- Anifilm 2018, International Competition of Music Videos

3m 14s, 2016
Animated music video inspired by old classic PC game Prince of Persia. Song from album Můj bůh září do mých temnot – černoch
- Anifilm 2018, International Competition of Music Videos

Mutanti hledaj východisko
2016 - 2017
Videoprojections for concert shows